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Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographer Brian Lanker Turns Image Archives into Profits with the Epson Perfection V750-M Pro Scanner
Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010

LONG BEACH, Calif.,  -  Sept. 13, 2010  -  When Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Brian Lanker receives requests for images shot on film, he feels confident about going into his archives, scanning the originals and even creating exhibition prints from high quality scans. That wasn't always the case, however, until he discovered the Epson Perfection® V750-M Pro scanner.<br><br>
The challenge was to recreate the same high image quality in those original chromes and negatives in a digital format at a reasonable cost. Taking chrome or negatives to an outside lab for drum scans is well over $100 for each individual scan, making it cost prohibitive to scan in any quantity. "We've been looking for a way to open those archives and tap into a revenue base that's just sitting there doing nothing, and could be making money for us," said Lanker.<br><br>
On a colleague's suggestion, Lanker tried the Epson Perfection V750-M Pro scanner and found that he could produce drum-quality scans rivaling the results of commercial lab scanners that cost tens of thousands of dollars. "I was frankly surprised that we could get that high level of image quality in-house using a flatbed scanner priced at less than $900," said Lanker. "The scanner essentially paid for itself after only a few scans. In addition, we no longer have to worry about our originals being damaged or lost because we do everything here."<br><br>
With its Dual Lens System®, the scanner allows super-resolution (6400 dpi) scanning for 35mm, 6x22cm medium format and 4x5" film, and high-resolution (4800 dpi) scanning for transparency proof sheets and reflective scanning. Lanker just selects the resolution, and the lens carriage automatically moves the right lens into place. He can also batch scan multiple slides, negatives and medium-format film, using convenient film holders that are supplied with the scanner.<br><br>
Also, with a measured Dmax of 4.0, the Epson Perfection V750-M Pro produces film scans that meet  Lanker's high expectations for gray scale and dynamic range, especially as compared to his original negatives.<br><br>
As a freelance photographer, Lanker found that clients would often lose track of film at the end of assignments, or they were often scratched when being returned to the studio (especially with black-and-white film). Using the scanner's fluid mount accessory, he is able to dramatically reduce scratches and other imperfections from black-and-white film.  Built-in Digital ICE® Technologies also automatically removes scratches and dust spots on color film, plus surface defects from color negatives, positives, and prints.