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Shure Introduces SCM820 Digital Automixer
Posted on Monday, April 8, 2013

 NILES, IL, April 8, 2013 — Shure Incorporated has introduced the SCM820 Digital IntelliMix® Automatic Mixer.  The SCM820 is an eight-channel digital automatic mixer designed for use in speech applications, including sound reinforcement, broadcasting, and audio recording.

Shure’s respected IntelliMix technology provides seamless activation of the best microphone for a particular talker, while attenuating microphones that are not being addressed.  By minimizing the number of open microphones, the SCM820 increases intelligibility and gain-before-feedback and reduces background noise.  A choice of five IntelliMix mode presets, including a “Smooth” mode, which combines gain sharing-style automixing with the benefits of traditional Intellimix, enable its performance to be quickly tailored to fit a variety of situations.  When operated in dual mix mode, two independent automixes are routed to the mix A and B outputs, facilitating simultaneous reinforcement and recording using different Intellimix modes.

“The SCM820 dramatically improves sound quality in any application where multiple microphones are required,” said Stephen Kohler, Director of Product Marketing for the Shure Americas Business Unit.  “The intuitive browser-based control software allows easy remote control and monitoring. It also offers multiple connectivity options so it can be integrated into large-scale systems with third-party control systems.”

Enhanced connectivity is provided by a choice of either DB25 or block connector models, each with eight analog input channels.  Dante™ digital audio networking is available as an option on either model and can be added in the field with the addition of an upgrade card.  Direct outputs for each channel can be configured as gated (that is, for use as an insert processor with a mixing console) or ungated (where separate recordings of each individual channel are required).

The SCM820 is now shipping and MSRP prices range from $2374.00 to $3124.00.