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Galaxy Macau's Giant Crystals are Covered with Renkus-Heinz
Posted on Monday, August 11, 2014

Macau, China | August, 2014 - Macau is one of China's hidden gems. Created as a special administrative region of the country, its famed Cotai Strip is modeled after its namesake in Las Vegas, awash with high-end casinos, resorts, and all the glitz that accompanies them. 

The Galaxy Macau is one of the largest of the recent crop of major hotel-casino towers on the Strip. Among its amenities, the 2200-room complex offers six pools, including a wave pool with manmade beach. 

The Galaxy's casino hosts more than 1200 slot machines and 600 gaming tables. Visitors are greeted in the lobby by a fountain that transforms into a giant roulette wheel, just before a massive ten-foot (three meter) diamond rises from its top. As designer Jeremy Railton of Entertainment Design Corp explains, "the diamond is a metaphor for wishing casino visitors eternal luck and prosperity." 

The music accompanying the fountain is provided by a series of Renkus-Heinz ICONYX digitally steered column arrays. Eight IC8-R columns and eight more IC16-R columns provide even sound distribution throughout the area, overcoming the noise of the crowds and the fountain in this cacophonously reflective environment. The system, installed by Birket Engineering Ltd. and Audio System Consultants (Asia) Ltd., also includes eight ST8R self-powered three-way systems, with 12 PN112-SUBR 12-inch subwoofers for floor-shaking low frequency coverage. The entire system is digitally networked via RHAON for complete distribution and control. 

On the other side of the Galaxy, the bus lobby is home to a series of giant crystals, floating above a shimmering pool. The crystals are designed with advanced motion sensor technology to trigger special visual effects as guests approach them, with good luck symbols flashing from the crystals and reflecting on the water. 

The crystal display is also aligned with a Renkus-Heinz sound system, including 16 CF121 two-way systems and another dozen PN121 two-way systems. Nine SG81 speakers provide spot fills, and 12 PN112-SUBR subwoofers complete the system. 

The Galaxy Macau opened its doors in 2012, and is presently undergoing the addition of another phase, to be completed in 2015.