April 1, 2021 - For the last four decades, Jupiter Systems has been a leader in providing mission-critical data visualization and collaboration systems. We have built a reputation of best-in-class engineering, extreme reliability, and exceptional customer support. In this week's blog we share some market research and thoughts on the importance of employee retention and how our newly launched Jupiter Systems display solutions can help impact the vital need to retain top talent.
So how important is it to capture and retain top talent in other fields?
That seems like a straightforward question with a simple answer, but what are the real implications for a Fortune 1000 enterprise? Many reports have been published on the subject, but here are some key metrics from one of my favorites authored by McKinsey senior partners Scott Keller and Mary Meaney.
"A recent study of more than 600,000 researchers, entertainers, politicians, and athletes found that high performers are 400 percent more productive than average ones. Studies of businesses not only show similar results but also reveal that the gap rises with a job's complexity. In highly complex occupations—the information- and interaction-intensive work of managers, software developers, and the like—high performers are an astounding 800 percent more productive ".1
If we conclude that top-performing, highly skilled talent is an absolute requirement to the success of today's enterprise, then we can also conclude that retaining that talent is equally critical to their long-term growth, relevance, and market success.
From our experience, as well as many market research sources, this is also top of mind in the C-suite and has been for several years. Technology and the tools provided to employees is critical proof and validation of how companies view their employees and more importantly how the employees feel about the company they work for as well as their perceived value.
The executive leadership team and product development teams at Jupiter Systems are intensely focused on these factors. Together they have put forward a bold plan and vision to be first to market with display technologies that truly impact the employee experience in a vast array of workflows and everyday interactions.
Our PANA and Zavus technologies are genuine game changers. They will directly impact the outcomes as it relates to employee retention. Additionally, these cutting-edge displays will provide the best and most innovative environments to work in; addressing a critical element of the technology stack needed to stand out and thrive in today's competitive landscape.
Moving forward we are excited to work with our partners, facility designers, and end-users to support and share our knowledge on these essential technology designs. With that sentiment, please feel free to reach out to schedule a demo to learn more about these first-to-market products and how they provide the next generation visual experience. We also encourage you to follow us on our social media channels to keep up to date on our upcoming webinar and trade show schedule.
1 Keller, S., & Meaney, M. (2018, February 26). Attracting and retaining the right talent. McKinsey & Company. Mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/attracting-and-retaining-the-right-talent
By Mike Dunn