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Like Jewelry, or an Accessory…
Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Like Jewelry, or an Accessory…

Shure Wireless Makes the Scene on BarlowGirl Fall Tour


THE WOODLANDS, TX, November 6, 2008 — BarlowGirl's Million Voices fall tour started here in September, with the sisters/rock trio set to step out through mid-November in support of How Can We Be Silent, their third release since debuting on the Christian music scene in 2004.

Beyond their music is their ministry, and to that end, the group has successfully blended both to the tune of nine Dove Awards nominations and several other industry accolades and honors. Onstage, the sisters — Alyssa, Rebecca, and Lauren Barlow — have firmly hitched their star to Shure, counting on UHF-R® wireless to free up their performances on a number of levels.


"Before Shure we used to be plugged-in," says guitarist Rebecca, noting somewhat gloomily that not all that long ago she could hardly move beyond her pedal effects board onstage. "Now..."

"...we can go anywhere," drummer and lead vocalist Lauren interjects emphatically, finishing her sister's sentence.


Just as when they perform together, the sisters are a tight-knit trio in conversation, streaming words and carrying topics along in harmony.


"Lauren has her Shure mic," says Rebecca.


"She comes out on one song," adds lead vocalist, bassist, and keyboardist Alyssa.


"It's wireless [a KSM9] and she gets to run around the entire stage and hype the audience," Rebecca says, chiming back in.


"As the drummer that has really freed her up," Alyssa notes, continuing the thread. "For that one song she gets to come out and talk to people. Being wireless…that has really helped.  I think it's been awesome."


Beyond cutting the cord on all vocals, guitar, and bass with the help of Shure UHF-R systems, the trio has also reduced its stage volume and plugged into better monitoring practices with the aid of PSM ®700 personal in-ear monitor systems.


Says Rebecca: "When we first got started everything was wedges, and as the rooms got louder, you had to turn them up. Every show we cried because we couldn't hear; I couldn't hear the drums. But now, everything is so clear."


Midway through this year, BarlowGirl announced via podcast that they were going back into the studio, this time to record an album of Christmas songs. Home for Christmas, the result of their efforts, debuted on September 23.